Thursday, October 13, 2011

#Occupy Wall Street Pictures

On Tuesday Opie released some of his video from his trip to the #Occupy Wall Street hippie sit in. I've gotta say, I agree with these guys wanting to get revenge on the banks for fucking us over so many times. But really? They're obviously not doing shit down there except skipping work and getting high. Fuck 'em.

Green with envy, Taco Bell

Of course you are. This is Chip's site,
not yours taco bell.

What'da'ya, some kinda
instrument or somethin'? Tss Tss

Sandy Kane fucking stinks

The guys had to go back to court on Monday and
THAT FUCKING TWAT didn't show up again.
Here's to hoping that she's laying dead in a gutter somewhere.

No new Chippah updates today, but plenty of other updates later on during the show coming up @7:30 and @9:00.

New "Personal Hero Friday" for Chippah tomorrow.
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